Federal Grant Programs

Pell Grant

A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. 佩尔助学金颁发给有经济需要但尚未获得学士学位或专业学位的学生. 2021-2022年度(2021年7月1日至2022年6月30日)的最高奖金为6,495美元. 最高限额可以在每个奖励年度改变,并取决于项目资金.

The Pell Grant amount awarded will depend on:

  • Cost of Attendance
  • Enrollment Status
  • Estimated Family Contribution

Iowa Tuition Grant


爱荷华州学费助学金的申请是通过填写联邦学生援助申请(FAFSA)来完成的。. FAFSA必须在每年的7月1日截止日期之前由处理中心收到.

注意:爱荷华州学费助学金仅适用于澳门网上博彩官方网站住宿学生, or Waldorf University Online students who are Iowa residents.

Federal Loan Programs

Federal Direct Loan

Waldorf participates in the William D. 福特联邦直接贷款计划,通常被称为直接贷款. Direct Loan Program benefits include:

  • A guaranteed source of funding for student loans.
  • 根据收入选择还款计划或根据收入选择还款计划.
  • Loan forgiveness for students who entered into public service work. 参加直接贷款计划的学生在从事公共服务工作10年后,可以免除其贷款的任何剩余余额. (While this option does not exist in the FFEL program, 在FFEL计划中借款的学生可以将他们的贷款合并到直接贷款计划中,以便利用宽恕.
  • Lender benefits are available to students after one year of payment. (大多数贷款机构在学生还款两到四年后提供优惠.)
  • Late fees that are less than those found within the FFEL Program.

Direct Loan Resource Center

希望获得联邦学生贷款的学生必须满足联邦学生贷款署列出的所有要求 U.S. Department of Education. Some of these requirements include:

  • Entrance Interview: 确保学生贷款借款人了解他们的权利和责任, 联邦政府要求学生在获得直接贷款之前参加贷款咨询(如果他们以前没有获得过直接贷款), 联邦家庭教育贷款或学生补充贷款.
  • Informed Borrowing Consent is an annual loan requirement from the Department of Education. 对于借款人在2022-2023年开始的该奖励年度获得的第一笔贷款,教育部的IBC流程必须在每个奖励年度完成一次.
  • Master Promissory Note (MPN)MPN是一份必须签署的文件,以便获得联邦学生贷款. 签署的MPN将你与联邦政府绑定在一起,承诺偿还你打算拿出的助学贷款,以帮助支付你的教育费用,并提供有关你作为借款人的权利和责任的宝贵信息.
  • Exit Interview在毕业或离校前,直接贷款借款人必须完成离校辅导. 直接贷款退出咨询将解释您作为直接贷款借款人的权利和责任. Your Federal PIN is required in order to complete the exit interview.

Federal Stafford Loans

斯塔福德贷款是直接提供给大学生的联邦学生贷款,用于补充个人和家庭资源, scholarships and grants. They may be subsidized by the U.S. 根据学生的经济需要,政府或可能没有补贴.

Federal Subsidized Stafford Loans

联邦直接补贴斯塔福德贷款是根据学生的经济需求和其他具体资格要求颁发的. 联邦政府不收取这些贷款的利息,只要借款人至少注册了一半, during a six-month grace period, or during authorized periods of deferment.

  • Based on need
  • Interest paid by the federal government while student is in school
  • Must be enrolled at least half-time

Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loans

联邦直接无补贴斯塔福德贷款不是基于学生的经济需求, but students must also meet specific eligibility requirements. Interest is charged throughout the life of the loan. 借款人可以选择支付贷款利息或允许将利息资本化(加到贷款本金中)。.

  • Non-need based
  • 仅适用于独立学生(父母被拒绝PLUS贷款的受抚养学生除外)
  • Interest is paid by the student; may be paid during school, or deferred
  • Must be enrolled at least half-time

Beginning July 1, 2021年,有补贴和无补贴的斯塔福德贷款利率将固定在3%.73 percent for all loans disbursed after that date. 联邦斯塔福德贷款项目有年度和累计限额. Your Student Aid Report (SAR) lists your cumulative loans, but it is important to keep records of all of your loan transactions.

Review your loan history

Annual Stafford Loan Limits
Year/Classification Base Amount Additional Unsubsidized Loan Amount Total
Dependent Students
Freshman $3,500 $2,000 $5,500
Sophomore $4,500 $2,000 $6,500
Junior or Senior $5,500 $2,000 $7,500
Independent Students
Freshman $3,500 $6,000 $9,500
Sophomore $4,500 $6,000 $10,500
Junior or Senior $5,500 $7,000 $12,500

Note: 重要的是要注意,即使一个学生是自己资助他们的教育, dependency status is still determined by the school.

Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students

联邦PLUS贷款使有良好信用记录的父母能够借钱支付孩子的教育费用. 每个孩子必须是在批准的学院或大学注册至少一半时间的独立本科生.

PLUS贷款允许父母借到联邦担保的低息贷款来帮助支付孩子的教育费用. The loans are not based on need, 但当与其他资源相结合时,不能超过学生的教育成本. The interest rate on the Direct PLUS Loan is fixed at 6.从2021年7月1日起,税率为28%,延期只适用于贷款本金,而不适用于利息.

Work-Study Programs

大约一半的华德福学生在校内做兼职. These positions are located in virtually all areas of the University, with widely varied responsibilities. 勤工俭学是学生可以挣到的用于支付教育费用的钱,学生在校内或校外找一份工作,按小时支付工资. 许多学生还在森林城市社区寻找当地企业的兼职工作. 有关勤工俭学计划的更多信息,请联系财政援助办公室 FinAid@Waldorf.edu or 641-585-8120.